The National LGBTQ Non Profits

All LGBTQ Flags

Our Mission Statement

The National GLBT Guide was founded in 2004, and converted to LGBTQ Guide in 2020, and split Business and Non Profits, to update to the times of the Community at Large. It was created as a resource to connect the LGBTQ community with businesses, organizations and professionals that are supportive of LGBTQ issues and causes.

We are an information only site for Non Profits. We need Corporate and Small Business Sponsorships, as well as donations to keep this page going. The site is completely free for the Non Profits to be listed, as well as the general public to search for resources they might need. So if you are looking for anything, use our site to help you locate it. Use Us! Thats what we're here for.

The National LGBTQ Non Profit Guide works to bring the United States Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Trans-Gendered and Queer communities together and to break the Separation, Segregation and Oppression placed on our communities. Also breaking the barrier of individualism of each State, City and Organization bringing them together as one community. We made one site that all the LGBTQ communities and its allies can come to use and post their community resources nationally.

This site is also open to any and all LGBTQ and LGBTQ friendly organizations.

This will also show the strength that we have as a whole throughout the Country.

We appreciate your support while we grow, and bring our community together.

The LGBTQ Non Profit Guide web page is an *Old School* site.

We intend it to look this way on purpose so it can be easily accessed on any device.

Promoting Your Organization is Our Business.

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